If you are interested in conversions and growing your business in general, then building an email list can’t be stressed enough. Email is one of the most used communication methods, despite the current social media trend. It’s a direct line to your target market and still generates more conversions than any other online platform.
Emails are highly effective. Some social media platforms reach as little as 6% of your target audience. By comparison, emails put your business in front of people that are genuinely interested in your product or service. Emails are 5 times more likely to be seen than advertisements on social media.
Email is power. However, the million-dollar question is how to grow your email list. In the following blog we are going to explore some simple ways to grow your email list.
1. Create remarkable email content:
Ultimately you want people to subscribe to receive emails from your company. If you don’t create content that is absolutely top of the range, your subscribers won’t hesitate to click on the unsubscribe button. It is, therefore, vital creating something worth reading. If your emails are entertaining, you give subscribers something to look forward to.
2. Encourage subscribers to share and forward your emails:
Social sharing buttons are becoming more popular because of the availability of a bunch of different social media platforms. Social sharing and “email a friend” buttons are your friend; you can use them to access their friends and colleagues, putting your emails in front of a much broader audience.
3. Segment your email list by buyer persona:
When you create different segments, you end up sending out more targeted emails. While you’re sending emails to a smaller group of people, it will still be more effective because the content will only reach those who are genuinely interested in what you have to offer. The segmented recipients are more likely to follow through with the emails because it will cater to their specific needs.
4. Ask website visitors for feedback:
If there is one thing that consumers like to do, it’s giving their two cents about your products or services. Feel free to create a form for online visitors to ask questions or leave a comment regarding your business. Creating a live chat which requires people to enter their email address to access this specific service is also handy.
5. Link to offers across your website that capture email signups:
Remember to always keep your current offers upfront. People don’t like digging around your website for offers, and chances are that they aren’t just going to stumble across them accidentally. Consider including offers on your website’s home page and remember to make email address details a requirement for those wishing to view these offers.
In conclusion, when your email list grows to more significant amounts of new, opt-in contacts, you will be able to send targeted marketing emails to them, turning early-stage leads into sales-ready leads.