It is 2021, and we are currently living in an era where it is, unfortunately, no longer an isolated incident for an organisation to suffer a cyber-attack. It’s safe to assume that cyber criminals will eventually work their way through your company’s defences. In the modern-day and age, it’s more effective to work on strategies to reduce the impact of cyber-attacks rather than focusing your efforts on keeping criminals out of your network.
Traditional cyber-security measures are no longer enough to protect organisations from the rate of persistent attacks. In today’s blog, we are going to elaborate on cyber resilience. Before we can dive into how to achieve cyber resilience, you must understand what cyber resilience is.
Cyber resilience is the ability for an organisation to prepare for, respond to and recover from cyber-attacks. It helps to protect organisations against cyber risks. It defends against and limit the severity of attacks and ensure businesses’ continued survival and service delivery at all times – despite attacks.
In the digital era that we are currently in, it is of utter importance to secure your data, processes and applications. Cyber resilience is rapidly gaining recognition. It is a broad umbrella that encompasses information security, IT infrastructure, business processes, and organisational continuity.
You can achieve cyber resilience by following these easy steps:
Ask yourself how vulnerable your organisation is to the current threat. Consider where your data is stored and who has access to it. An extensive environmental evaluation should also include cybersecurity training for your employees and updating your operating systems regularly.
Ensuring that you have the relevant protocols to protect your environment and avoid cyber-attacks is mandatory when following cybersecurity and cyber resiliency philosophies. Ensure that you are protected against malware, insider threats, phishing attacks and many more.
Make sure that all your vital information is backed up so that when a cyber-attack hits, your organisation can effectively resume operations quickly. It’s essential to test your backup and recovery plan now and again to make sure it works properly.
Ask an ethical hacker to help you discover any cyber weaknesses that your system might have. Ethical hackers are people that deliberately try to ruin everything you have created before cybercriminals get a chance to break into your IT environment.
Cyber resilience is reliant on more than just technology; it encompasses both technology and people. In a cyber-resilient organisation, proper communication needs to be factored into and encouraged across the entire business. Every employee, irrespective of their position within the company, must be aware of cyber threats and be appropriately trained and familiar with cybersecurity best practices.
Times are changing, and to demonstrate proper cyber resilient behaviour, your organisation needs to adapt. Remember that pass attacks are excellent learning curves, and you should use these awful experiences to predict when similar events will occur.